September 13, 2008


When I think about him, its such like I want to kiss and hug him very much.. For me, he got a very cute face and also for the people who are look at him. He got a really circle eyes and it shows that he more been attracted for all.

Him name is Putra Indra. Now, he was 1 and half years old. Last night we were make a video call together. What makes me surprised, he kissed the phone (kiss me when he look at my face) for a long time. Somehow, one thing about him that I can’t forget it was when he wakes up in the early morning mostly at 7 a.m., he walked slowly go to my room, shouted and knocked my door until I open it, just for him to see and kiss me every morning.

Ermm.. I' m really miss him but there are a lot of characteristic about him that I can’t list down here. I always spend my time with him and being together with Putra was a sweet memory that I can’t forget it forever and ever.

That was a Putra picture. So, what do you think?


Pippo said...

so cute :)
tak lama dah nak jumpa dia ..
relex :)

LoyalWarrior said...

Kanak2 kecil memang comel...Bila nak ada anak sendiri???hahaha Dah ada anak sendiri baru kita tahu betapa susahnya ibubapa kita jaga kita sebaik sahaja mucul di dunia ini.

Anonymous said...

huuu..i mish him 2 la...sue..
rindu kt keletah dia ri2...comel sesgt n x larat nk layan..hahaha.
agree ngan abg setia...ntah cmne la ngan ank sndri nti2 ekk???

Anonymous said...

soooooo cute =D

juliana said...

comell... memang comel... jagalah baik2.
so, pesanan ibu kepada kakak sue juga seorang ibu...
bila anak2 dah pandai cakap atau dah pandai sebut balik apa yang kita cakap itu sanagt2 berbahaya....
so kalau rasa nk cakap yang bukan2 tolonglah jgn cakap depan anak2. okay...

bob chairell syafieq said...


memang cute laa sue...
awak bila pulak nk ada anak sendiri...

boley saya datang melawat...
jangan marah...

MaWaRBiRu86 said...

mcm kita msa kecik2 dulu..mata besar.
mcm nak peluk jer. I like kids.

MisZ SuE said...

memg cute sgt...syg gler kt die..

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